Bridging intergenerational divides.

Connections is a conference focusing on building LGBTQ+ community through conversation and story-telling that bridge generational divides.
There are few spaces that intentionally bridge generational gaps, and the divide between generations in the LGBTQ+ is large. Younger generations are denied the right to learn their history due to erasure in schools, and the community at-large doesn’t see their stories portrayed in media.
Connections works to counter the divides that are artificially constructed by ageism, adultism, and cis and straight institutions by sharing stories and recognizing that people of all ages have stories to tell and stories to learn.
How We Do It
Utilizing the Proud Theater process, we share our stories in small groups and make art together out of our commonalities. Don’t worry, though- we spend the day getting to know and feel comfortable with each other first. Building trust is important in building brave spaces.

Get Involved
Connections is a volunteer and community-powered event. We rely on organizers donating their time and business making in-kind donations (especially food) to make Connections happen. Please contact us to learn how to help us with the next event.