The mic is on and ready to go! Come join the youth of Proud Theater Madison for ‘At the End of the Rainbow V: an Open Mic Fundraiser for Proud Theater’ – an evening of fun and entertainment with members of the popular theater troupe welcoming the community at large to share music, poetry, spoken word and their voices in order to benefit Madison’s own Proud Theater!
Done annually, this year’s open mic will be held at Cafe Zoma, 2326 Atwood Ave in Madison on March 15th, 2014 from 630-9PM. Admission is free, but donations are encouraged at the door. Everyone is welcome to attend, and those wishing to perform can sign-up for five minute slots to share their hearts, souls, and thoughts in an open forum – all for a good cause! Click the image above, or here to go to to RSVP to the event and also signup for the new Proud Theater newsletter!